Dad&Mum:- We didn't . . . just mixed up the week 47 & 48 Sundays! Forgive us DoDo?!? Please?!?!?!
. . . Toys? (DoDo:- NAH!)
. . . Treats? (DoDo:- nah . . .)
. . . Belly rubs? (DoDo:- Urgh . . .)
. . . Belly rubs an hour daily??? (. . . FLIPS!!!)
DoDo:- Oh well, Daddy did rush to USBakery and got me a cake. He was lucky cos USBakery only opens half day on Monday. I guess I'll forgive them this time . . .
MoMo:- The cake is small but very delicious!!!
DoDo:- Gimme the cake already! Told ya all I don't know how to blow the candle! *Mum:- Silly girl tries to lick the cake and got scorched by the candle. Probably burnt off some whiskers!! (⌒∇⌒)*
DoDo:- NOT FUNNY!!! ε=( メ`ω´)/
Dad:- Auntie liao still so hot temper! (シ_ _)シ *Dogs age 4 is equivalent to human 28*
Video of us "swallowing" the cake! ^^;