Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fun Kong Time!

Dad:- Usually the 2 rascals get treats stuffed inside Kongs easily . . . this time round . . . *evil grin*

DoDo & MoMo:- (シ_ _)シ

MoMo:- Kong Attack Mode (aka KAM) is tossing Kong into the air and treats will drop out! Works every time . . . but not today . . . ψ(`∇´)ψ

DoDo:- KAM is scratching, scraping and biting treats out from Kong, otherwise known as squirrel attack! Didnt work today as well . . . pfft . . .

Mum:- They did get the treats at the end of the videos. *With a little help from us* ( ̄▽ ̄)ゞ

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What a way to start a new year!

Belated Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone!

As the title suggest, we had a pretty rough 2010 new year to begin with . . .

MoMo:- Moi had ear infection . . . *Mum:- probably due to too much swimming* Pawrents kept pouring meds into my ears canal and made me very uncomfortable and grouchy . . .
DoDo:- I was diagnosed with gastric flu and put on drip for 2 days at the vet. The jabs and meds didn't work at start.

Luckily the peeps at AAVC are very nice to me! Hope I didn't gave them too much trouble when I was there . . . *Dad:- They said you keep jumping out of the ca
ge when they open the door!*

Also . . .

Dad:- Am looking out for a new job again . . .

Apart from those . . . we had a fun Christmas gathering with the MS pawfriends on boxing day. Needless to say we had loads of food! food!! food!!! & Presents!!!!

DoDo:- I'm too weak to play . . . I'm only able to enjoy the cushions pawrents got for me . . .

:- MI
NE!!! ALL MINE!!! Muhahahahaa . . .

DoDo:- BonBon was with us at end of Dec when his pawrents went to Europe for a vacation!