Thursday, January 15, 2009

CNY - Spring Cleaning.

Dad&Mum are free today and they started doing some spring cleaning for the coming CNY. This is the first time Momo will be celebrating CNY with us, she is very curious about everything and kept poking her nose everywhere . . .

Dodo:- AhhhChoOOoo . . . I hate spring cleaning! Dust flying everywhere, rubbish on the floor! ┐(-。ー;)┌

Momo:- "Spring rolls"? Can Eat? Here Mum! Mop here! Vacuum there!
Mum:- So "kaypoh"! *means busybody* Come put on your apron!! (It's a mud/water guard for we bought for them)

Momo:- Ororoo! Clean my bed here, there and then back here!! Move that chair to other room!!! (`ω´*)

Momo:- Telling pawrents what to do is also very tiring . . .

Dad:- Manage to capture a few shots of them while they are working. ( ̄▽ ̄)
Mum:- Ya! You "Jia Chua" King! (means lazy)


Huskee and Hershey said...

Heehehee... Momo is a very good supervisor!!

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Dodo & Momo
What good workers you are. I love your little dress momo.
Love Ruby

Chow Chow said...

I ought to get my Mummy to start spring cleaning the house too! I'd love to play supervisor as well.