Saturday, February 28, 2009

Doggie House & False Pregnancy!

Is it an instinct that dogs love warm & cosy "den"? I'm kinda confused as I have been all along behaving more like a "human" or what the hoomans call "human dog" . . .

As I spend more time with MoMo, it seems that these basic dog instincts are coming back to me!

DoDo:- Warm & cosy "den" plus a furry "pillow" for me . . . ヾ(^▽^ )ノ

MoMo:- Why don't you go back to your bed and sofa! ψ(`∇´)ψ

DoDo:- MoMo has been suspected of having "false pregnancy"! Although it's unlikely she got "pregnant" while we board BonBon in January, the pawrents are bringing her to do an ultrasound (2nd week of March) just to confirm.

Duh! Can you imagine her a 7 month old "kiddo" having babies?

MoMo:- Babies? Can eat one?? ( ̄▽ ̄)ゞ


Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Dodo & Momo
I like your doggie house. Mom got me a sister, because I was to dependant on her and acted like a human too. I hope Momo will not be a mom.
Love Ruby

billiejean said...

Hi Mo Mo,
Hope you are not pregnant.. that will be a disaster!